"The spirit of the times is not only about survival. It is also about a renewed will to kill as opposed to the will to care, a will to severe all relationships as opposed to the will to engage in the exacting labor of repairing the ties that have been broken." (p. 107)
"The main casualty of a "postfact world" is arguably democracy itself. Democracy has no future in a factless world or in a world without evidence, that is, accountability. Such a world is, by definition, hostile to the very idea of reason and freedom." (p 110)
"Intimacy has been replaced by what Jacques Lacan called 'extimacy.' A different kind of human entangled with objects, technologies, , and other living or animate things is therefore being constituted through and within digital technologies and new media forms. This i not at all the liberal individual who, not so long ago, we believed could be the subject of democracy." (p 114)
Necro-Politics by Achille Mbembe (2016)